I say 'all' because I know how many of you are reading this and quite frankly, I'm gonna have to start getting rid of excess followers. I'm just writing this/watching SNL instead of studying! YAY! So, a few weeks ago it was my friend Marc's 21st birthday. I showed up late so I decided to take advantage of his 'open bar' to catch up to the others/ binge drink by myself (TOmato-TomAto). Here's a before picture:
Anyway, 2 hours later after flip cup, Jagger bombs and too many drinks and warm champagne I realized I had not abused alcohol, I down-right molested it. And, I was gonna be sick, not right away, but soon. That's when I left the party alone without saying good bye, I had to get home and I had to get home fast! Did I take a cab? Of course not because my cheap drunk ass knew the Metro was still open. I paid for a monthly pass and I was gonna use it god damn it! So I stumble through the Metro station, wait for the next train, sit down and .........barf....in the Metro car....twice. Then, I sat in the facing seat (because that way, no one would be able to tell it was me who 'done it') and took a picture of my upchuck. I got off at Berri, and opted not to take the other Metro that brings me to a station closer to home for fear of puking again. At the time I felt that being the chick that pukes on the sidewalk on St-Catherine's in front of 50-or-so people would maybe make a much better story for my grandchildren one day. I can't remember the 20 minute walk home, I made it is miraculously. But, I do remember not puking (suprise mothafuckas!!) and the dude that sells roses on the street tried to get me to buy a rose, so I yelled at him "Not tonight, Rosa!" (Rosa is what the locals call him). Then, when I finally got to my street I realized I couldn't find my key in my purse. Luckily, my roommate works at a bar nearby so I went to see her and got her key. Oh, and here's the best part...I get home with an overwhelming urge to vomit, so I run to the bathroom but miss my target and vomit in the hallway (floor and walls, I don't do things half-assed), then I get in the bathroom and proceed to vomit on the floor. Double-oops. So I try to focus and sit on the floor (in my vomit with my jeans on), then I vomited the last bit of puke I had left in me on the toilet seat. Nothing actually went in, so I didn't even have to flush; but, I did have a lot of scrubbing to do the next day and explain to my roommate why the floor was sticky when she came home after work. Oh, and did I mention what time I went to bed?? I was KO by midnight...maybe even 11:30. What can I say, when you roll with me it's classy all the way.
My friend David and I pre-debauchery. |
The next night I went to a Lady GaGa concert. It was great, it was actually her birthday. Girl gives good show and I'm not into pop music that much; but, I gotta say she is one awesome chick and a great artist/performer. Kudos to her and her dealer 'cause girlfriend was on some good shit. I probably would have enjoyed it more if it weren't so crowded, if I wasn't so hung over and if there weren't so many GaGa look-alikes . It was like the Kiss Army and Spice Girl fans had babies and the result was a bunch of girls and boys, young and old dressed in Drag with a blue lightening rods painted on their faces. Trippy.
Anywho, it's getting late and J.R Diggs is over now so it's way past my bed time. And yes, I am fully aware that I'm the only person who watches J.R Diggs, but I love it.
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